Dead Animal Noise Party recently got this exellent review in
Vital Weekly # 584:
There is no time to prepare on this assault! Seconds after you begin the exploration into the crushing territories of latest album from Danish project Kusari Gama Kill, sonic disturbance rolls like cascading waves of turbulence and thrashes into the auditory canals of the poor listener. Kusari Gama Kill, is a joint venture between the two artists Martin Weile and Janus Blomfrø, the latter also known for his excellent Noise-project Bobby Blitzkrieg. Not for the fainthearted, Kusari Gama Kill, is ready to blow the hell out of you with their latest album. Carrying the not-so-friendly title, "Dead animal noise party", the album doesn't try to disguise its stylistic expression. With 99 (!) tracks included on the album, the album turns my mind back to Sore Throats 60-track freaky album of grindcore/punk titled "Never mind the napalm, here's Sore Throat" (1989). And as was the case with Sore Throat's legendary album, the power of grindcore is an important part of the explosives on "Dead animal noise party". Needless to say, each track has only a limited run-time, yet during the short lifetime of each track, the explosive energy has been so well packed and compressed like a nuclear bomb. Combining heavy low-end rumblings, impenetrably dark atmospheres, chants from the grave, and overwhelming feedback with merciless drum machinery and death growls, the two artists has established 99 short works each of abrasive brilliance. Apparently the artists seem to have their inspirational roots in both the Grindcore and the Noise scene, as the album, compositionally is built on electronic distortions, human death growling and ultra-fast drum-machinery blended into a cocktail of apocalyptic extremity. Thus, no matter how different metal music and electronic music seems, Kusari Gama Kill demonstrates how beautifully these two genres stylistically can be melted into one sonic hell. Everyone being interested in extreme music, this being metal or e-music, need to check the album out.
This is black art in its most beautiful form! (NM)