My old alter ego Bobby Blitzkrieg, used to make strange electronica back in the 00's. Now the songs I made back then will be released for the first time. It is the brilliant net-label ROBO! Robotica that releases the vintage noises. Should be out this weekend!
I hope you enjoy it.
Peace and Love
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Friday, 20 May 2011
New Robo! Robotica Compilation Featuring Kusari Gama Kill
ROBO! Robotica - Spring Cleaning Music Volume 2
Go get this baby from the label - FREE download.
Please help spread the word
Label link
Direct link to blog post with comp
Part 2 of the most downloaded album in ROBO! Robotica history is finally here! 25 tracks of the most eclectic music you have ever listened to. Featuring some of the biggest names in the underground scene today from all points of planet Earth. Using the power of social networking all of these artists have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. If you are an older chap you might hate the internet and everything that comes from it. But when you take into consideration that it is 2011, you are probably in your late 50′s, have kids that are graduating college, and so on. The internet is one of the most powerful tools available today and without it none of these artists would have gotten together to make this sick compilation of music. Yes I do like making copies of fliers and passing them out to real people on the street, but nowadays you can just type a few words and presto the entire galaxy knows. I guess what i’m trying to say is that this is the future of music now. We don’t take no for an answer and we are all here to stay. Download this now for free and experience life in a whole new light. Get a broom, mop, and some cleaning sprays and go at it in your living room. I assure you that your woman will take the time to thank you with some good sexxin and or money for some precious weed. It’s Spring time, the smell of roses is in the air. The smell of some good skunk being burned down the street. Brisket smoking in the bbq pit. Topless women drinking beer on lounge chairs. This is the time, the time is now! Thank you and happy listening/cleaning/smoking/boning! -RR!
1. Bologna Violenta // @BOLOGNAVIOLENTA // //
2. NVR-NDR // @_tlr_ // //
3. Kusari Gama Kill // @kusarigamakill // //
4. Kindergarten Hazing Ritual // @kndrgrtnhzngrtl // //
5. Badgermeat // @badgermeat // //
6. A Beautiful Lotus // @abeautifullotus // //
7. Johan Ess // @Johan_Ess // //
8. Kuntpuncher // @kuntpunchersuck // //
9. Machine Within Water // @___coldfish___ // //
10. Cheezface // @cheezfacesux //
11. Doom Eunuch Limited // //
12. Pregnant Spore // // //
13. The Leviathans Mandible // //
14. Blast Perversion // //
15. Kessenchu // //
16. Happysucky // //
17. Tooth Eye // @tooth_eye // //
18. Cadaveric Sludge Dispenser Unit // //
19. Chulo // @chulopv // //
20. Xrin Arms // @xrinarms //
21. Funky Kong // //
22. I Killed Techno // @I_Killed_Techno // //
23. DXC // @DXC_Music // //
24. Lumberjack // //
25. Deadsmiles58 // //
-Cover Art by: Xrin Arms
-RR! Logo by: Katie Broad //
-Contact: // // @roborobotica
Friday, 6 May 2011
New control review
From Zann's Music (in Spanish, machine translations to English and Danish below)
Thank you for this!
-Kusari Gama Kill “Control” (2011)
¿Están listos para abrirse los cráneos con tenazas oxidadas, exprimir sus cerebros con sus propias manos y beberse el juguito que de él se desprenda? ¿Se sienten valientes, aventureros y psicóticos? ¿Andan con ganas de jugar al tiro al blanco con alfileres y sus propios tímpanos? Para los que pensábamos que el “Altered States of America” de Agoraphobic Nosebleed (justamente, J. Randall edita este trabajo en su sello Grindcore Karaoke) era el sumum de extremismo y demencia, el punto más álgido donde el Grindcore, el Noise y las más sádicas elucubraciones electrónicas se daban la mano para destruir la música tal y cómo la conocíamos, Kusari Gama Kill nos ofrece una nueva perspectiva, al tiempo que se dedica, sistemáticamente, a taladrarnos las neuronas con martillos hidráulicos. Esta es la criatura ideada por dos dinamarqueses que, munidos de diversos aparatos de destrucción masiva e inspirados en los aspectos más revulsivos de los géneros (anti)musicales más extremos, ríen histéricamente mientras diseñan diversas formas de tortura auditiva en ocultos laboratorios sónicos. Con diecisiete vómitos sonoros apiñados en trece minutos, el dúo se las arregla para generar chispazos y cortocircuitos en nuestras conexiones sinápticas, a base de blast-beats cibernéticos cubiertos de mugrientas costras de ruido digital y adornados por gruñidos bestiales y un sinfín de infecciones sonoras que hacen que el trabajo de gente como Anal Cunt, Merzbow y Venetian Snares parezca amable en comparación. Claro, ya llevan cinco años esparciendo su enfermedad y, entre sus logros más destacados, se cuenta aquel tremendo “Dead animal noise party” de 2007, donde se despacharon con noventa y nueve temas capaces de testear la resistencia de los oídos más curtidos. “Control” no muestra signos de debilitamiento en su propuesta, por el contrario, parecen motivados a llevar su cruel y febril imaginación a terrenos cada vez más abrasivos, esquizofrénicos y enervantes. Vamos a ponerlo en claro, esto es material extremo. Pero extremo en serio, esto hace que géneros como el Death o el Black Metal (e inclusive el Grindcore en sus formas más arquetípicas) suenen a poco más que un chiste. Y, al mismo tiempo, es imposible no notar que, debajo de la constante agresión y la saña homicida con que encaran sus composiciones, hay una profunda y perversa creatividad musical puesta al servicio de las sensaciones más desagradables. Si se sienten corajudos, pueden visitar (la página web del sello discográfico) y descargar, de forma gratuita, este trabajo y el previo “Chaos surge”, editado originalmente en 2010. Yo que ustedes no me lo perdería.
In English
-Kusari Gama Kill "Control" (2011)
Are you ready to open their skulls with rusty pliers, crushing their brains with their own hands and drink the little juices that it is apparent? Do you feel brave, adventurous and psychotic? "They walk like playing the shooting pins and their own eardrums? For those who thought the "Altered States of America" Agoraphobic Nosebleed (rightly, J. Randall published this work on his label Karaoke Grindcore) was the epitome of extremism and dementia, the height where Grindcore, Noise and more sadistic electronic musings joined hands to destroy music as we knew it, Kusari Gama Kill offers a new perspective, the time spent systematically drilled neurons with hydraulic hammers. This is a creature designed by two Danes who, armed with various devices of mass destruction and inspired by the most revolting of genres (anti) musical extremes, laughing hysterically while designing various forms of torture in hidden laboratories sonic hearing. With seventeen vomiting sound crammed into three minutes, the duo manages to generate sparks and short circuits in our synaptic connections, based on blast-beats cyber crust covered with grimy digital noise and adorned with brutal grunts and endless sonic infections make the work of people like Anal Cunt, Venetian Snares, and Merzbow seem polite by comparison. Of course, I have five years spreading his disease, and among its most important achievements, there is that terrible "Dead party animal noise" of 2007, which shipped with ninety-nine subjects able to test the resistance of the most experienced ears. "Control" shows no signs of weakening in its proposal, by contrast, seem motivated to take your cruel and feverish imagination land increasingly abrasive, schizophrenics, and narcotics. Let's put it clear, this is extreme stuff. But seriously end, this makes genres like Death Metal or Black (and even the Grindcore in its most archetypal) sound a little more than a joke. And at the same time, it is impossible not to notice that, under the constant aggression and murderous rage that face their compositions, there is a profound and perverse musical creativity in the service of the unpleasant sensations. If you feel courageous, you can visit (the label's website) and download, for free, this paper and the previous "Chaos arises", originally released in 2010. If I were you I would not miss.
In Danish
-Kusari Gama Kill "Control" (2011)
Er du klar til at åbne deres kranier med rustne tang, knusning deres hjerner med deres egne hænder og drikke den lille juice at det fremgår? Føler du modig, eventyrlysten og psykotiske? "De går ligesom at spille skyderiet stifter og deres egne trommehinder? For dem, der mente, at "Altered States of America" Agoraphobic næseblod (med rette, offentliggjort J. Randall dette arbejde på hans label Karaoke Grindcore) var indbegrebet af ekstremisme og demens, den højde, hvor Grindcore, Støj og mere sadistiske elektroniske spekulationer sluttede hænder til at ødelægge musikken, som vi vidste af det, Kusari Gama Kill tilbyder et nyt perspektiv, brugte den tid systematisk borede neuroner med hydrauliske hamre. Dette er et væsen designet af to danskere, der bevæbnet med forskellige enheder af masseødelæggelsesvåben og inspireret af de mest modbydelige af genrer (anti) musikalske ekstremer, griner hysterisk mens designe forskellige former for tortur i skjulte laboratorier sonisk høring. Med sytten opkastning lyd proppet i tre minutter, duoen formår at generere gnister og kortslutninger i vores synaptiske forbindelser, baseret på blast-beats cyber skorpe dækket med snavset digital støj og pyntet med brutale grynt og endeløs sonic infektioner gøre arbejdet i folk som Anal Cunt, venetiansk Snares, og Merzbow synes høflig ved en sammenligning. Selvfølgelig har jeg fem år sprede sin sygdom, og blandt dets vigtigste resultater, der er den forfærdelige "Dead festabe støj" i 2007, som leveres med nioghalvfems fag i stand til at teste modstanden i de mest erfarne ører. "Control" viser ingen tegn på svækkelse i sit forslag, derimod, synes motiveret til at tage din grusomme og febrilsk fantasi jord stigende slibende, skizofrene, og narkotika. Lad os sige det klart, det er ekstreme ting. Men seriøst ende, hvilket gør genrer som Death Metal eller Black (og endda Grindcore i sin mest arketypiske) lyde lidt mere end en joke. Og på samme tid, er det umuligt ikke at bemærke, at, under konstant angreb og morderiske raseri, som står over for deres kompositioner, der er en dyb og pervers musikalske kreativitet til gavn for de ubehagelige fornemmelser. Hvis du føler dig modig, kan du besøge (etiketten's hjemmeside) og download, gratis, dette papir og de tidligere "Chaos opstår", oprindeligt udgivet i 2010. Hvis jeg var dig ville jeg ikke gå glip af.
Thank you for this!
-Kusari Gama Kill “Control” (2011)
¿Están listos para abrirse los cráneos con tenazas oxidadas, exprimir sus cerebros con sus propias manos y beberse el juguito que de él se desprenda? ¿Se sienten valientes, aventureros y psicóticos? ¿Andan con ganas de jugar al tiro al blanco con alfileres y sus propios tímpanos? Para los que pensábamos que el “Altered States of America” de Agoraphobic Nosebleed (justamente, J. Randall edita este trabajo en su sello Grindcore Karaoke) era el sumum de extremismo y demencia, el punto más álgido donde el Grindcore, el Noise y las más sádicas elucubraciones electrónicas se daban la mano para destruir la música tal y cómo la conocíamos, Kusari Gama Kill nos ofrece una nueva perspectiva, al tiempo que se dedica, sistemáticamente, a taladrarnos las neuronas con martillos hidráulicos. Esta es la criatura ideada por dos dinamarqueses que, munidos de diversos aparatos de destrucción masiva e inspirados en los aspectos más revulsivos de los géneros (anti)musicales más extremos, ríen histéricamente mientras diseñan diversas formas de tortura auditiva en ocultos laboratorios sónicos. Con diecisiete vómitos sonoros apiñados en trece minutos, el dúo se las arregla para generar chispazos y cortocircuitos en nuestras conexiones sinápticas, a base de blast-beats cibernéticos cubiertos de mugrientas costras de ruido digital y adornados por gruñidos bestiales y un sinfín de infecciones sonoras que hacen que el trabajo de gente como Anal Cunt, Merzbow y Venetian Snares parezca amable en comparación. Claro, ya llevan cinco años esparciendo su enfermedad y, entre sus logros más destacados, se cuenta aquel tremendo “Dead animal noise party” de 2007, donde se despacharon con noventa y nueve temas capaces de testear la resistencia de los oídos más curtidos. “Control” no muestra signos de debilitamiento en su propuesta, por el contrario, parecen motivados a llevar su cruel y febril imaginación a terrenos cada vez más abrasivos, esquizofrénicos y enervantes. Vamos a ponerlo en claro, esto es material extremo. Pero extremo en serio, esto hace que géneros como el Death o el Black Metal (e inclusive el Grindcore en sus formas más arquetípicas) suenen a poco más que un chiste. Y, al mismo tiempo, es imposible no notar que, debajo de la constante agresión y la saña homicida con que encaran sus composiciones, hay una profunda y perversa creatividad musical puesta al servicio de las sensaciones más desagradables. Si se sienten corajudos, pueden visitar (la página web del sello discográfico) y descargar, de forma gratuita, este trabajo y el previo “Chaos surge”, editado originalmente en 2010. Yo que ustedes no me lo perdería.
In English
-Kusari Gama Kill "Control" (2011)
Are you ready to open their skulls with rusty pliers, crushing their brains with their own hands and drink the little juices that it is apparent? Do you feel brave, adventurous and psychotic? "They walk like playing the shooting pins and their own eardrums? For those who thought the "Altered States of America" Agoraphobic Nosebleed (rightly, J. Randall published this work on his label Karaoke Grindcore) was the epitome of extremism and dementia, the height where Grindcore, Noise and more sadistic electronic musings joined hands to destroy music as we knew it, Kusari Gama Kill offers a new perspective, the time spent systematically drilled neurons with hydraulic hammers. This is a creature designed by two Danes who, armed with various devices of mass destruction and inspired by the most revolting of genres (anti) musical extremes, laughing hysterically while designing various forms of torture in hidden laboratories sonic hearing. With seventeen vomiting sound crammed into three minutes, the duo manages to generate sparks and short circuits in our synaptic connections, based on blast-beats cyber crust covered with grimy digital noise and adorned with brutal grunts and endless sonic infections make the work of people like Anal Cunt, Venetian Snares, and Merzbow seem polite by comparison. Of course, I have five years spreading his disease, and among its most important achievements, there is that terrible "Dead party animal noise" of 2007, which shipped with ninety-nine subjects able to test the resistance of the most experienced ears. "Control" shows no signs of weakening in its proposal, by contrast, seem motivated to take your cruel and feverish imagination land increasingly abrasive, schizophrenics, and narcotics. Let's put it clear, this is extreme stuff. But seriously end, this makes genres like Death Metal or Black (and even the Grindcore in its most archetypal) sound a little more than a joke. And at the same time, it is impossible not to notice that, under the constant aggression and murderous rage that face their compositions, there is a profound and perverse musical creativity in the service of the unpleasant sensations. If you feel courageous, you can visit (the label's website) and download, for free, this paper and the previous "Chaos arises", originally released in 2010. If I were you I would not miss.
In Danish
-Kusari Gama Kill "Control" (2011)
Er du klar til at åbne deres kranier med rustne tang, knusning deres hjerner med deres egne hænder og drikke den lille juice at det fremgår? Føler du modig, eventyrlysten og psykotiske? "De går ligesom at spille skyderiet stifter og deres egne trommehinder? For dem, der mente, at "Altered States of America" Agoraphobic næseblod (med rette, offentliggjort J. Randall dette arbejde på hans label Karaoke Grindcore) var indbegrebet af ekstremisme og demens, den højde, hvor Grindcore, Støj og mere sadistiske elektroniske spekulationer sluttede hænder til at ødelægge musikken, som vi vidste af det, Kusari Gama Kill tilbyder et nyt perspektiv, brugte den tid systematisk borede neuroner med hydrauliske hamre. Dette er et væsen designet af to danskere, der bevæbnet med forskellige enheder af masseødelæggelsesvåben og inspireret af de mest modbydelige af genrer (anti) musikalske ekstremer, griner hysterisk mens designe forskellige former for tortur i skjulte laboratorier sonisk høring. Med sytten opkastning lyd proppet i tre minutter, duoen formår at generere gnister og kortslutninger i vores synaptiske forbindelser, baseret på blast-beats cyber skorpe dækket med snavset digital støj og pyntet med brutale grynt og endeløs sonic infektioner gøre arbejdet i folk som Anal Cunt, venetiansk Snares, og Merzbow synes høflig ved en sammenligning. Selvfølgelig har jeg fem år sprede sin sygdom, og blandt dets vigtigste resultater, der er den forfærdelige "Dead festabe støj" i 2007, som leveres med nioghalvfems fag i stand til at teste modstanden i de mest erfarne ører. "Control" viser ingen tegn på svækkelse i sit forslag, derimod, synes motiveret til at tage din grusomme og febrilsk fantasi jord stigende slibende, skizofrene, og narkotika. Lad os sige det klart, det er ekstreme ting. Men seriøst ende, hvilket gør genrer som Death Metal eller Black (og endda Grindcore i sin mest arketypiske) lyde lidt mere end en joke. Og på samme tid, er det umuligt ikke at bemærke, at, under konstant angreb og morderiske raseri, som står over for deres kompositioner, der er en dyb og pervers musikalske kreativitet til gavn for de ubehagelige fornemmelser. Hvis du føler dig modig, kan du besøge (etiketten's hjemmeside) og download, gratis, dette papir og de tidligere "Chaos opstår", oprindeligt udgivet i 2010. Hvis jeg var dig ville jeg ikke gå glip af.
Monday, 2 May 2011
Grind To Death review of Control

Our grind-hero Alex Layzell has made the following review of Control (out yesterday for free on Grindcore Karaoke). The review is snipped from - your prime source for everything grind!
Despite the funky and friendly futurama styled musically inclined alien in the above promotional poster and album art, Kusari Gama Kill don't offer anything funky or friendly, just pure sonic destruction with giant pulses of hissing electronica being violently discharged thrashing inside your ear to your brain in a rampant noise frenzy, the equivalent of detonating a series of consecutive nail bombs inside your head.
Speedcore, Grindcore and Noise all collide together at insane velocitys creating an undecipherable sonic boom in its violent wake, the end result being an inhuman rampage of scattering pieces of shrapnel sound shattered en masse, still violently vibrating and loaded with energy from the chaotic aftermath of which they were born.
I am proud to say I enjoy a joyous internet based friendship with one half of Kusari Gama Kill, of which I may confirm contrary to popular belief is 100% human, and one who is good at photography at that. However it is the other unknown half who I am convinced is some dark sinister digital beast that has amassed consciousness and decided its function was to unleash a form of aural destruction upon mankind as punishment for the large scale displacment in the industry and prestige of carrier pigeons, something I might state if he/she/it is reading I also am disappointed in.
17 tracks of industrialised noise proceeds to emulate a 13 minute session of audio torture, tapping deep into your frail nerves and subjecting them to a digital overload of artificial noise. If filthy industrialised noise is a form of punishment you like to subject yourself to then this one is certainly one to up the game.
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