Sunday, 20 April 2008

Yet another Kusarite in the flesh

We just received this amazing photo of Kusarite HC from Denmark, remember, you too can be featured on this blog if you send us a photo of you with a Kusari Gama Kill shirt or cd...

HC writes:
"Hey there! Just stopping by to say thank you for the cool music and inspiration!!!

--nevermind the horrified stare! its merely a post traumatic reponse to a heavy dose of Celine Dion radiation I recieved a while back...but im feeling much better now thanks to you guys and your glorious grind!

/Cheers from SkodVolt"

Have fun! I will, I'm off to my beloved Berlin next week! I'll ask Yellow Dog Records if they'll sell some copies of VAIN and Dead Animal Noise Party.

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