Thursday, 25 September 2008


UPDATE: Martin has toyed a bit with our Japanese logo, enjoy!

New background at our myspace. With the help of our friend Yokota we have translated our bandname to japanese... He is a good friend, who have done a great remix of us once!

Have fun!


Thursday, 18 September 2008


A nice wallpaper for your desktop o' grindcore

Just another bandphoto. Both photos by Kusarite Jens Axel... Taken in our beloved Copenhagen.

More to come! Have a fun weekend!


I'm sorry to inform you that the show the 27th of September has been cancelled. Why, we don't know... So you'll have to console yourself by printing the above photo of me ca 1997 and affixing it to your wall to look at while jamming Dead Animal Noise Party or VAIN again and again...
Have fun!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Dead Animal Noise Party review on

This is a review from the good site

Basically Michael Birk isn't too sure he likes it, but we fascinate him, and he recommends people to visit our myspace...

3 out of 6

Dead Animal Noise Party

(R.O.N.F. Records)

Af Michael Birk
Kusari Gama Kill spiller industrial grind/noisecore, og er nok et lidt anderledes bekendtskab end vi er vant til her på Danish Metal. Det er en duo bestående af Janus Blomfrø (trommer, programering og vokal) og Martin Weile (larm), som begge længe har sværmet omkring denne afart af metal, og kan derfor godt betegnes som gamle i gårde. Skiven jeg sidder med er en 2008 ”special edition” trykt i kun 50 eksemplarer. Den indeholder 99 numre spredt over 48 minutter - rendyrket, vanvittig noisecore-tortur. Noisecore er grundlæggende baseret på elektronisk musik, og det er kun vokalen, der er 'akustisk'. Hos Kusari Gama Kill er udtryksmidlerne pitch shiftet vokal, trommemaskine og støj. Nu kan man godt tænke hvad det her har med metal at gøre, og ja, ved første gennemlytning bliver man stresset og tænker ”hva fanden er det for noget crap?” Men man alligevel bliver alligevel nysgerrig, og vil gerne finde meningen med galskaben. For det er måske slet ikke så simpelt, som det lyder. Der må antageligvis ligge nogle vanvittige tanker bag, samt en engagement uden sidestykke. Det vil dog nok ikke holde rigtig mange fra stadig at kalde det regulært larm, men forsimplet sagt, er det også meningen med noisecore, så helt galt er de heller ikke på den. I sidste ende er det en smagssag, for produktionen er i top, coverarten ligeså, så der er ikke rigtig noget at sætte fingeren på i den forbindelse. Jeg er selv gammel noisecore mand, og synes faktisk at Kusari Gama Kill er ret cool. Så kære læsere, giv dem en chance, og fornem hvad der sker i hovedet på disse 2 ekstreme gutter. Det er yderst svært at gå i detaljer med deres numre, så det er meget nemmere bare at smutte forbi, og danne sit eget indtryk.

Friday, 12 September 2008

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Kusari Gama Kill Interview from Extremenoise Magazine & Productions

Interview taken from: also see

KusariGamaKill interview Current mood: drained Category: Music
Kusari Gama Kill entrevista

Interview with Janus

ENM: That it makes you former KGK.
KGK: Before KGK I played in the first Danish grindcore band Sardonic Death and the first Danish noisecore band Corpse Eating Vomit. Martin and I have also played together in a band called Kvaernsten that was slow motion heavy noise.

ENM: Influences?.
KGK: My influences is bands like Sore Throat, Nihilist Commando, Merzbow, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Prosthetic Cunt, Potabilizadora, Jesus of Nazareth, Abisyeikah, CSMD, Spike Pile Driver, old Napalm Death, old Carcass, The County Medical Examiners, Regurgitate, The Gerogerigegege, Gore Beyond Necropsy, Nunwhore Commando 666 and Last Days of Humanity.

ENM: Because to play Noise and not another style?.
KGK: Noise is what I like and listen to, and is for me the most fullfilling kind of sound. The more extreme the noise is, the more I like it, so we try to make Kusari Gama Kill as intense as possible.

ENM: How are its presentations, the answer of the public.
KGK: People have mostly given us good feedback. We have played one concert and the audience liked it, so we have good response. We have just been chosen as Band of the Week on the largest Danish mp3-site for upcoming artists by the editors, that was a great honour.

ENM: Have had difficult moments, where they have had the idea to finish with this.
KGK: No I don't think we have had any difficulties in Kusari Gama Kill. As long we have fun, we will continue.

ENM: Tell me of split that they have glided.
KGK: We are on the following splits: 4 way split from R.O.N.F. Records with Fatal Position, Permanent Death and Arseterrör. 4 way split with 3 Danish bands on BSBTA Records The first Iwithsiae compilation The first net-compilation from R.O.N.F. Records. And we are working on a split with the legendary US-band Jesus of Nazareth that wille be out on R.O.N.F. Records and also a split with Danish bands NXFXTXEX and Hara Kiriyama Fights the Japanaught to be released on Organic Pipeline Records.

ENM: They have had opportunity to hear some Chilean band.
KGK: I don't know much about South American music... We have a contact in Ecuador and one in Brazil, and that's about is... So let us know about your local noise.

ENM: Noise in your country is a real scene.
KGK: There is not much of a noisescene in Denmark.... There are the bands we are going to make a split with as mentioned above, and a very cool noisecoreband called Combat Cunt. But the scene is growing. I must not forget The Grindnoise Boyband that uses samples of George W Bush for vocals.

ENM: The KGK's future.
KGK: We want to make more songs, more splits, more shows and hopefully do some vinyl at some point.

ENM: Line-up.
KGK: We are: Janus: Drum programming and vocals Martin: Noise and graphics.

ENM: Tell us of your cd Corpse eating vomit.
KGK: Corpse Eating Vomit will be our second album. It will contain 99 tracks. The title is the name of my old noisecoreband, like a tribute to that band.

ENM: How it has been to work with R.O.N.F..
KGK: R.O.N.F. is a super label! Manolo and Javi are totally nice guys, and they support us a lot!! I also really love their releases - they rule!.

ENM: Which you are inspiration to write(Lirics).
KGK: My inspiration for the lyrics is all things I consider cool, macabre or fun or all three... I like old horrorfilms and I have read a lot of science fiction. Also other bands inspire like The Misfits and Gore Beyond Necropsy.

ENM: Any word for finish?.
KGK: Thank you so much for interviewing us, it means a lot! Thank you for your support, and stay wild! Tell us about Chilean noise please!!. Take care, Janus.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Kusarite Jens Axel in his brand new Noisecore Extravaganza shirt

Jens Axel is my nephew, and will take some hopefully heavy photos of Martin and me this thursday! Here he is posing in the world's coolest t-shirt! You can get it yourself at - go buy! And remember to send us a photo of you in your shirt!

Here you can see what we have in store for you right now:

The shirts come in various colours!

Friday, 5 September 2008

Questionable Content - new track, and great comic!

And now Martin has shown his genius once again - without quite breaking any copyrights!

Deare all!

We have put up a new track at our Myspace. It is called Questionable Content and is named after one of the best webcomics out there, called (guess what) Questionable Content...

Due to us not wanting to break any copyrights, I won't give you a picture of that comic, but instead present you with a truly old school Kusari Gama Kill wallpaper for your screen.

Have fun and stay tuned, more noise is imminent!

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Official band photos

Taken this spring outside Janus' house. L-R: Martin & Janus

Taken same night as the photo above. L-R: Janus & Martin

Taken at the Roskilde festival. L-R: Janus, Martin and Gösta the Goblin

There might be new band photos up next week, as we have an appointment with some beers and possibly my nephew who has a camera and is pretty good at taking cool pictures...